see my design portfolio at for numerous web projects and example work. also for my online cv.
currently developing an entirely new interactive ebook platform designed to engage readers by enhancing the narrative with interactive page elements such as character biographies, responsive/3D location maps, and other audio/visual elements.
the framework will include a simplified JSON data-schema to structure multimedia content. the json data object describing author's text, links to various media, and other content would then be parsed by a client-side function flowing the content responsively according to the reader's device.
portable networked devices are designed for user-interaction; an indie author could provide meaningful exposition to their narrative while a biology textbook could capture students by showing rather than simply telling.
i graduated from reed college (b.a. physics) where i wrote a thesis utilizing relatively new mathematical methods for analyzing pattern forming nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems (e.g. a chemical reaction) with a focus on programatic data analysis to quantify visual properties of these patterns. utilizing relatively new & complex mathematical methods, programatic analysis to produce meaningful quantification of visual properties, and building an interactive front-end webpage to present this complex information along with extensive documentation has enabled further development in this burgeoning field as successive students have continued to extend my work. the overview with interactive data visualization is available at where you can also download the original written document in pdf format
though i have a background in physics, mathematics, data analysis, and digital art, i'm primarily interested in web development. focusing on skills in both front-end and back-end applications as well as interface design, i enjoy building cohesive and intuitive applications that exploit the interactive nature of the web. in building an api, consumer-facing interface, or responsive data visualization, i seek to create something that is elegant and efficient.
{ due to the highly confidential nature of my work at nike, i cannot share the specifics of any of the projects i developed. }
for professional purposes, you can reach me here:
for artwork, modeling, or music, see my: